The role of the governing board
The role of the governing board
- Is your board performing the key functions of a governing board?
- Does it have a clear understanding of the distinctions between governance and management?
- Does your present legal framework align with the achievement of the organisation’s purpose and its current and future aspirations?
Governing structures and the legal and accountability framework
Governing structures and the legal and accountability framework
- Does your governance structure ensure there is clear accountability?
- Do board members understand and accept their fiduciary duties?
- Does your board have a current Conflicts of Interest policy?
Policy leadership
Policy leadership
- Has your board developed its own governance policies and are these in good shape?
- Is there a clear distinction between governance and operational policy?
- Is there life in your governance policies (are they understood by all board members and used actively by the board to provide leverage over organisational performance)?
- Is there an understood cycle of review for your governance policies?